Thursday, May 3, 2012

Hands and Feet- Roll 8 (Sommer and Rita)

Secondary Visual Arts Performance Task

Critique of ________Hands and Feet: Roll 8_________________________________

(Copy this organizer to take notes) Art Vocabulary and Craftsmanship Describe the technique applied – also describe dodging and burning; depth of field, etc. I had a long depth of field since everything is in focus.
 Line
 Shape
 Texture
 Form
 Value
 Space
Analyze: specifically comment on any elements and principles used in your work. I liked the space between the lead rope, and how it did not intersect with the bale of hay.
                              The legs of both the pony and the rider are in contrast with the floor as the light comes into the barn.                           Proportion
 Variety
 Balance
 Contrast
 Pattern/Repetition
 Rhythm/Movement
 Unity/Harmony
 Emphasis
Conceptual Skill Interpret: What is the photographer’s intent? Does it convey an idea or message? Is there a mood? Its shows a little girl walking her pony. I feel as if there is no mood.  This picture was not as well taken as it could have been.
Critique Judge: evaluate the success of this piece. I should have been lower to the ground and maybe closer. To me, this is a little boring to look at.
Other (Specify)

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