Monday, May 21, 2012

Richard Avedon

This photograph was taken by Richard Avedon.  The contrast in this photograph is very well done.  The woman and her dress stick out more than the elephants.  There is repitition of the shape of the woman's arms and the trunks of the elephants.  A line is created by the four subjects in the photo.

Alfred Eisenstaedt

I love this photograph taken by Alfred Eisenstaedt in 1945.  It was the perfect shot to show the happiness in the sailors coming home.  This photograph was not staged.  I do wish his arm would not intersect with the nurse's face.  This photograph has an emotion of love and happiness in it even though this couple was not together.  It symbols the hardship gone through by many Americans.

Eddie Adams

I like this photograph taken by Eddie Adams in 1968.  It gives a very sad emotion when I look at it.  The photographer uses a long depth of field but it does not take away from the two subjects.  The man's hand does not intersect with the boy at all.  This showed many Americans what was happening during the Vietnam War.

Roll 14 Critique

Secondary Visual Arts Performance Task

Critique of ____________Roll 14-Cale_______________

(Copy this organizer to take notes) Art Vocabulary and Craftsmanship Describe the technique applied – also describe dodging and burning; depth of field, etc. There was a long depth of field used.
 Line
 Shape
 Texture
 Form
 Value
 Space
Analyze: specifically comment on any elements and principles used in your work. There are lines made up from the children waiting to play with the ball.  The shape of the ball is shown, and it is obvious it is many different colors.  There is also lines made up of the scooters in front of the children.
                                                The teacher could have been more noticable and the subjects should be darker than the walls on the gym.  There are patterns on the ball and the repitition of the rocks on the back wall.                                                              Proportion
 Variety
 Balance
 Contrast
 Pattern/Repetition
 Rhythm/Movement
 Unity/Harmony
 Emphasis
Conceptual Skill Interpret: What is the photographer’s intent? Does it convey an idea or message? Is there a mood? the photo gives off a fun attitude.
Critique Judge: evaluate the success of this piece.
Other (Specify)

Roll 11Critique

Secondary Visual Arts Performance Task

Critique of ____________Roll 11-Portraits_____________________________

(Copy this organizer to take notes) Art Vocabulary and Craftsmanship Describe the technique applied – also describe dodging and burning; depth of field, etc. I just zoomed in a little on Marina, and it is a little bit of shallow depth of field.
 Line
 Shape
 Texture
 Form
 Value
 Space
Analyze: specifically comment on any elements and principles used in your work. I like the texture of her hair with the curls.  There is a nice space with her and the background and the squares on the floor.  You can see the texture of her tank top and the belt around her stomach.
                                                             The background is really light! It is kind of neat because she stands out against the background.  You notice the subject, Marina, instead of everything else.  The hair is emphasized, and the contrast is alright.

 Variety
 Balance
 Contrast
 Pattern/Repetition
 Rhythm/Movement
 Unity/Harmony
 Emphasis
Conceptual Skill Interpret: What is the photographer’s intent? Does it convey an idea or message? Is there a mood?
There is a soft mood when I look at this portrait of Marina.
Critique Judge: evaluate the success of this piece. The portrait could be more interesting to look at.  Maybe if there was a more interesting background, or the camera was closer to the subject's face.
Other (Specify) 

Monday, May 14, 2012

Lucia Radonchonska

This is a random photograph by Lucia Radonchonska that I found and I really like it!  There are 3 main layers in this picture.  The girl, the boy, and the house behind them.  The girl comes off as being  annoyed at the little boy.  I like how the boys arm does not intersect with the girl's hair. This photograph has a long depth of field. 

Kevin Carter

Sudan Famine

This photograph by Kevin Carter puts off a very sad emotion.  The little boy is very famished.  There are a couple layers in this photo.  The boy, with the bird behind him.  The bird's head is not intersecting with the hay/trees behind it, which I like.

Dorothea Lange

This is a well known photograph, but I still enjoy looking at it.  It gives off a very sad emotion of depression.  The photograph shows rule of thirds because the mom's head is in the middle, and the two boys' heads are in the right and left corners.The photo shows a short depth of field because the background is blurry.

Steve McCurry

I like this photograph by Steve Mccurry because of the colors.  The boys shoulders are below the skys horizon and above the grass line.  All you can see is his silouette, which makes the colors stand out.

Ansel Adams

I enjoy looking at this photo by Ansel Adams. I like the bright lines of the river.  The light coming from the sky is very appealing to look at. The contrast is very well done.  The darks are dark and the lights are bright.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Carters Mountain: Roll 12

Secondary Visual Arts Performance Task

Critique of _________Carters Mountain: Roll 12_____________________________

(Copy this organizer to take notes) Art Vocabulary and Craftsmanship Describe the technique applied – also describe dodging and burning; depth of field, etc. I used a shallow depth of field since the apples in the distance are not in focus.
 Line
 Shape
 Texture
 Form
 Value
 Space
Analyze: specifically comment on any elements and principles used in your work. I got close to the subject to show the texture(the dots in the apple). There are repeated shapes of circles and curved lines.
                                                     The contrast between the apples and the dark background makes them stand out.Proportion
 Variety
 Balance
 Contrast
 Pattern/Repetition
 Rhythm/Movement
 Unity/Harmony
 Emphasis
Conceptual Skill Interpret: What is the photographer’s intent? Does it convey an idea or message? Is there a mood? When I look at this, I feel the mood of fall, when it is apple picking season:)
Critique Judge: evaluate the success of this piece. I enjoy looking at this picture.  Maybe if there were more apples, it would improve the picture?
Other (Specify)

Spring Break: roll 9

Secondary Visual Arts Performance Task

Critique of _______________Spring Break: Roll 9__________________________

(Copy this organizer to take notes) Art Vocabulary and Craftsmanship Describe the technique applied – also describe dodging and burning; depth of field, etc. I used a slow shutter speed since the subject is a motion blur.
 Line
 Shape
 Texture
 Form
 Value
 Space
Analyze: specifically comment on any elements and principles used in your work.
I did not use space very well because the jump interferes with the ponies head.
The form of the rider and the pony is perfect. It is at the point of the jump where the pony is well rounded and had just left the ground. 

                                              You can tell that there is movement in the photo due to the blur.  The contrast is not very good, the picture is too gray in my opinion.Proportion
 Variety
 Balance
 Contrast
 Pattern/Repetition
 Rhythm/Movement
 Unity/Harmony
 Emphasis
Conceptual Skill Interpret: What is the photographer’s intent? Does it convey an idea or message? Is there a mood? To capture the rider in the middle of her course.
Critique Judge: evaluate the success of this piece. I would have liked the picture to be focused and I would have liked to seen the ponies head. The rider and the ponies position is awesome though.
Other (Specify)

Hands and Feet- Roll 8 (Sommer and Rita)

Secondary Visual Arts Performance Task

Critique of ________Hands and Feet: Roll 8_________________________________

(Copy this organizer to take notes) Art Vocabulary and Craftsmanship Describe the technique applied – also describe dodging and burning; depth of field, etc. I had a long depth of field since everything is in focus.
 Line
 Shape
 Texture
 Form
 Value
 Space
Analyze: specifically comment on any elements and principles used in your work. I liked the space between the lead rope, and how it did not intersect with the bale of hay.
                              The legs of both the pony and the rider are in contrast with the floor as the light comes into the barn.                           Proportion
 Variety
 Balance
 Contrast
 Pattern/Repetition
 Rhythm/Movement
 Unity/Harmony
 Emphasis
Conceptual Skill Interpret: What is the photographer’s intent? Does it convey an idea or message? Is there a mood? Its shows a little girl walking her pony. I feel as if there is no mood.  This picture was not as well taken as it could have been.
Critique Judge: evaluate the success of this piece. I should have been lower to the ground and maybe closer. To me, this is a little boring to look at.
Other (Specify)