Thursday, May 3, 2012

Spring Break: roll 9

Secondary Visual Arts Performance Task

Critique of _______________Spring Break: Roll 9__________________________

(Copy this organizer to take notes) Art Vocabulary and Craftsmanship Describe the technique applied – also describe dodging and burning; depth of field, etc. I used a slow shutter speed since the subject is a motion blur.
 Line
 Shape
 Texture
 Form
 Value
 Space
Analyze: specifically comment on any elements and principles used in your work.
I did not use space very well because the jump interferes with the ponies head.
The form of the rider and the pony is perfect. It is at the point of the jump where the pony is well rounded and had just left the ground. 

                                              You can tell that there is movement in the photo due to the blur.  The contrast is not very good, the picture is too gray in my opinion.Proportion
 Variety
 Balance
 Contrast
 Pattern/Repetition
 Rhythm/Movement
 Unity/Harmony
 Emphasis
Conceptual Skill Interpret: What is the photographer’s intent? Does it convey an idea or message? Is there a mood? To capture the rider in the middle of her course.
Critique Judge: evaluate the success of this piece. I would have liked the picture to be focused and I would have liked to seen the ponies head. The rider and the ponies position is awesome though.
Other (Specify)

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