Monday, May 21, 2012

Roll 11Critique

Secondary Visual Arts Performance Task

Critique of ____________Roll 11-Portraits_____________________________

(Copy this organizer to take notes) Art Vocabulary and Craftsmanship Describe the technique applied – also describe dodging and burning; depth of field, etc. I just zoomed in a little on Marina, and it is a little bit of shallow depth of field.
 Line
 Shape
 Texture
 Form
 Value
 Space
Analyze: specifically comment on any elements and principles used in your work. I like the texture of her hair with the curls.  There is a nice space with her and the background and the squares on the floor.  You can see the texture of her tank top and the belt around her stomach.
                                                             The background is really light! It is kind of neat because she stands out against the background.  You notice the subject, Marina, instead of everything else.  The hair is emphasized, and the contrast is alright.

 Variety
 Balance
 Contrast
 Pattern/Repetition
 Rhythm/Movement
 Unity/Harmony
 Emphasis
Conceptual Skill Interpret: What is the photographer’s intent? Does it convey an idea or message? Is there a mood?
There is a soft mood when I look at this portrait of Marina.
Critique Judge: evaluate the success of this piece. The portrait could be more interesting to look at.  Maybe if there was a more interesting background, or the camera was closer to the subject's face.
Other (Specify) 

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