Monday, May 21, 2012

Roll 14 Critique

Secondary Visual Arts Performance Task

Critique of ____________Roll 14-Cale_______________

(Copy this organizer to take notes) Art Vocabulary and Craftsmanship Describe the technique applied – also describe dodging and burning; depth of field, etc. There was a long depth of field used.
 Line
 Shape
 Texture
 Form
 Value
 Space
Analyze: specifically comment on any elements and principles used in your work. There are lines made up from the children waiting to play with the ball.  The shape of the ball is shown, and it is obvious it is many different colors.  There is also lines made up of the scooters in front of the children.
                                                The teacher could have been more noticable and the subjects should be darker than the walls on the gym.  There are patterns on the ball and the repitition of the rocks on the back wall.                                                              Proportion
 Variety
 Balance
 Contrast
 Pattern/Repetition
 Rhythm/Movement
 Unity/Harmony
 Emphasis
Conceptual Skill Interpret: What is the photographer’s intent? Does it convey an idea or message? Is there a mood? the photo gives off a fun attitude.
Critique Judge: evaluate the success of this piece.
Other (Specify)

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